Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mrs. Fairfield

Did you agree with the vietnam war?

"I was for it but also against it. My friends were against it but my parents were for it. I protested a few times with my friends but I didn't really understand what was actually going on. Televisions had it on TV and from that I developed mixed emotions."

Did you know anyone who went to war?

"I knew of people who went to war. The ones who went were not excited and didn't know the reason for going. Some who went to war never returned and I always wondered what happened to them and how their life would be now if it hadn't of been for the war."

What kind of music did you listen to?

"Oldies but goodies is what I always say. I can't remember too well but I know it was either slow rock, it matched the time the nation was in, or the club music"

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