- Christian H.- Interview, political cartoons,works cited
- Timmy-poems, interviews,introductory
- Christian- Songs, and number 8
- Annamarie- 3 paragraph argument on the Great Society, Final page
US History Project
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Final Page- Responsibilities
Argument on The Great Society
I believe President’s Johnson Great Society was very beneficial for the American in many aspects for example it affected the economy and overall society. It change unemployment rates and behavior in the work place. Other ares were also drastically changed for the better of the American people’s welfare: treatment of minorities, education, technology etc.
The main goals of President Johnson’s Great Society were, to annihilate poverty and racism (mainly towards African- Americans but also included different minorities). From Johnson’s Great Society programs targeted problems in urban cities, trying to educate citizens better, even medical care, work forces, technology and transportation. many programs and laws were created during his presidency because of the Great Society. For example some of these topics addressed and programs and laws formed were, Medicare, civil liberties Labor rights, ethical conservation, Civil Rights Movement, Fair Housing Act etc.
Even though Lyndon Johnson’s presidency began when the cause of Vietnam were forming, Johnson helped the society for the American citizens become better overall. Johnson helped decrease unemployment rate and the numbers of families incomes increased annually. Johnson helped to improve African American’s lives by creating equality in restuarants and all public places.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Teaching the generation
Teaching the generation
The 1960's were a decade of violence and confusion. Many leader and citizens of the United States have made mistakes that
we should all learn from. We should look toward the past to perfect and
gain insight into our
future. There were a lot of bad events that has happened, THe Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam War and the environmental issues.
Civil Rights movement for African Americans. They struggled a lot and had a lot of problems, but fought until the last to gain rights of themselves. They wanted to be same as any other person in America or equal. Future generation (this is us) can learn that all men and women should have same rights, so your ethnicity doesn't have to be the problem. Women had to to become more independent. Women needed to take their
place in the country for the entire nation to move forward and away from
conflict. They did so by standing up and expressing their passions for equality no matter the gender. Like Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther, and Malcolm X were like a back for their communities. Every person needs to understand that a person is not judged by color but by their personality, which people didn't know at that time. So this needed to take place or otherwise there could of been a lot of problems in the future. Equal rights should be universal across all fronts, whether it is
different races, genders, or even sexuality as is the conflict today.
The Vietnam War Conflict upset the public in many ways. It caused many distractions and losses. Many people had lost their loved ones, homes, money and jobs. Nobody understand that the war isn't to solve the problems. By having a good leader it can lead to great success.This war cost the country a lot of money and too man lives that could
have been saved. The government made a rash decision appointing
themselves as police to the rest of the world in order to contain
communism. Our government must gain our trust and maintain it so they
have the country’s support and their reasons are not questioned. The
Vietnam War taught a valuable lesson to the government: do not try and
get involved in an easy war just for the sake of looking more powerful.
They cannot risk they lives of people so carelessly.
The environment in 1960's were stemmed that helped us to get a good not perfect environment for today. The Environmental protection agency was set up to protect citizens from
incidents like Three Mile Island and Love Canal. To prevent other
incidents from occurring, the government instilled the Clean Water and
Clean Air Act. This has helped a lot to improve the life right now the clean water which by knowing people can not survive without water, by making it cleaner it increased the lifespan of people by 10 years in the last 40 years. Same applies to clean air, it also helped the United States with better and fresher air that helped for air pollution to decrease, which also helps with more healthier and better life. We are still are paying for the past and present destruction of the
environment through events such as polar icecaps melting and extremely
rapid climate change. We could loose many animals throughout the words
and we should instill the legislation were applied in the 1960s to
situations today. We need to learn from environmental issues of the past
and protect the environment for the future to come. But again it all depending on us.
The present and the future can be changed for the better if we learn
from the past and do no make their mistakes. For example: the homosexuals are
oppressed and they eventually one day, will get the equal right that they deserve.
The environment will become better if we apply laws to protect it. We
will hopefully learn from the Vietnam War and learn to not make rash
decisions regarding involving ourselves in wars for no reason. All of
these things will happen; it is just a matter of time before we learn
from our past.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Mrs. Fairfield
Did you agree with the vietnam war?
"I was for it but also against it. My friends were against it but my parents were for it. I protested a few times with my friends but I didn't really understand what was actually going on. Televisions had it on TV and from that I developed mixed emotions."
Did you know anyone who went to war?
"I knew of people who went to war. The ones who went were not excited and didn't know the reason for going. Some who went to war never returned and I always wondered what happened to them and how their life would be now if it hadn't of been for the war."
What kind of music did you listen to?
"Oldies but goodies is what I always say. I can't remember too well but I know it was either slow rock, it matched the time the nation was in, or the club music"
"I was for it but also against it. My friends were against it but my parents were for it. I protested a few times with my friends but I didn't really understand what was actually going on. Televisions had it on TV and from that I developed mixed emotions."
Did you know anyone who went to war?
"I knew of people who went to war. The ones who went were not excited and didn't know the reason for going. Some who went to war never returned and I always wondered what happened to them and how their life would be now if it hadn't of been for the war."
What kind of music did you listen to?
"Oldies but goodies is what I always say. I can't remember too well but I know it was either slow rock, it matched the time the nation was in, or the club music"
5 Poems on Civil Rights Act
1. African Americans
There wasw a time in the US that had segregation,
some may call us the free nation.
But blacks had to face discrimination.
The movement was called a civil resistance,
to reach equality we must go the distance.
These unfair laws created civil unrests,
the only way to help is by peaceful protests.
2. Gender
Blacks were not the only ones who faced hardships,
there were also the ones with the lucious lips.
Not being able to work with men,
stuck at home to cook and clean the den.
Equal pay was a joke,
looked at as if they were old folk.
3. Mexican Americans
Different ancestors hold us back.
They just wanted social inclusion,
They didn't mean to be such an intrusion.
Immigrated to have a better life,
we don't want to cause a strife.
Only wanted a little equality.
The education was not fair.
Walkouts finally made people care.
4. American Indians.
1968, congress passed the civil rights act,
they worked together just like they had a pact.
Protect their reservations,
give some proclomations.
AIM's helped push the rights,
In 1975, congress finally turned on their lights.
LGBT rights and liberation,
just wanted unity for the nation.
Aimed to change the concepts of society,
wanted less anxiety.
Looked down upon like a minority,
it turned into a priority.
Introduction of the era
During the 1960's, the US was going through one of the most uninterupted preiods of econimic expansion. Big buisnesses ruled the nation and the push for improvement was everywhere. Inlfation was stable which created a healthy environment. Johnson took over the oval office after the assassination of JFK. When Nixon took office all hell broke loose. He was caught up in the Watergate scandle and resigned the presidency in order to avoid impeachment. Towards the end of the 1960's, the "counter culture" arrose. It consisted of mostly white middle class which were called "hippies".This was a very controversial time ion the US. However, some people managed to help the nation such as Cesar Chavez, Jose Angel. Congress also passed the Indian civil rights act.
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